I Stopped Using Jungle Scout & Here is Why!

I’ve relied on Jungle Scout for years, and it’s been instrumental in helping me discover the products I now sell successfully on Amazon.

Recently, though, I’ve started using an alternative: Helium 10. I’ve found it to be much more accurate when it comes to estimating sales!

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I Stopped Using Jungle Scout!

So, I ran a little test on two of my products. I pulled up Jungle Scout and Helium 10 for my products just to see how accurate these tools actually are. Now, here are the results!

1). Jungle Scout vs Helium 10

Now for the first product. I won’t show my actual product. But it’s getting around 360 sales per month! When I pull up Jungle Scout, you can see that they think this product is making around 317 monthly sales.

Jungle Scout Result:

It’s much lower than the actual sales I’m getting. And when I do the same for Helium 10, you can see that Helium 10 is much closer to their estimate.

Helium 10 Result:

Winner: Helium 10

So, this is pretty obvious what is happening here. Helium 10 is just way more accurate.

Both tools have a price point of $29. However, Helium 10 is much, much more accurate. This, plus the fact that they offer way more features and have more utility for Amazon sellers, is the reason I made the switch!

More Jungle Scout Alternatives

Now, there were also some other tools I was considering.

2). Zonbase

Zonbase is much more expensive ( $80 if you want to use all the features, such as the Chrome Extension ). Even then, there are still a lot of limits on how much you can use the tool, which didn’t sound compelling to me at all. I have to pay so much monthly and still have a limited amount of time to use it.

Not for me. But if you want to try them out, they offer a 7-day free trial.

3). AMZScout

The next tool I considered was AMZ Scout. They have been around pretty much as long as Jungle Scout, so they are pretty reliable. However, they are also much more expensive than Jungle Scout and Helium 10, at $50 per month. Besides that, they only have features for product and keyword research, which is great; it’s the main reason I use these tools. However, the other tools offer more features to help you run your AMZ business.

4). Unicorn Smasher (Free)

The last alternative is a free one: Unicorn Smasher. Even though it’s free, I wouldn’t recommend it. This tool is wildly inaccurate, so it would be crazy to use this data to make crucial decisions like product research if you don’t want to spend a lot of money. I would suggest using the free trial for the other tools. They all offer a free 7-day trial. Jungle Scout & Helium 10 also have discount codes, which I will put below!

Discount Coupons

Helium 10 Discount
Jungle Scout Discount

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  1. Actually, the AMZScout monthly plan is not more expensive. Jungle Scout also costs $49/month, while Helium 10 starts at $39/month but offers very limited features at that price, with the next plan priced at $99/month.

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