[Case Study: Part 4] We reached page #1!

It is time for the final update on how to launch products on Amazon Case Study. This week I will share all the final results with you guys. Here is a quick recap of what we have covered already:

Part 1: We discussed the product for the case study, the FBA launch strategy that we will use, we have lowered the price & set up our email follow up campaign.

Part 2: Here, we started with our Amazon Product Giveaways and enrolled in the Amazon Early Reviewer Program.

Part 3: Is where we started seeing the first results! This is also where I started with the PPC campaign.

Additionally, I have also written an extra guide where I go into detail how I did my product research & found my Amazon product for this case study.

Final Results

So now it’s time for the most important part: Did we get more reviews? Are we ranking? Can we make a nice profit with this product?


I am very glad to say that we received a total of 9 reviews, with an average rating of 4.3 stars. It is absolutely fantastic to get this many reviews on a new product.

Early Reviewer Program

Even though it took some time the Early Reviewer Program definitely paid of. From the 9 reviews we received, 3 of them came from the Early Reviewer Program. So yeah, I am very happy we invested $60 into this program!


Ok, and now the most important thing is: Did we increase our ranking? Hell yeah, we did!
Below I have posted the Search Ranking for all my keywords. I took the full time-span from the first day of the case study all the way until today ( 40 days in total ). So you can get a clear overview when you can expect your product to start ranking. As you can see the product is now ranking on page #1 for most of the keywords.

I track all my keyword rankings with my profit dashboard, Sellics.

Next step: Increase price

So what is next? I just want to go over my Amazon Product Launch Checklist quickly:

  1. Lower price – Done
  2. Set up follow-up email – Done
  3. Product giveaways ( while staying within Amazon TOS ) – Done
  4. Early reviewer program – Done
  5. GO HARD on PPC – Done
  6. Increase price
  7. PROFIT?!?!

So, we have completed all the essential steps and have reached the two most essential launch goals:

  • Get Amazon Reviews
  • Increase Keyword Search Results

However, we are still selling the product for a very low price of $15, while all my competitors are selling it for around $20. So now it is time to turn this product into a real cash cow! I will slowly increase the price, with the first increase to $16.99.

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  1. Thanks for the case study! As a new seller, it is really helping a lot. One small question, in one of your posts you mentioned a list of serial review people who would review your product for you, and that you’d send the link to anyone who puts their email in. I put my email in and never received an email, any chance you could send it to me?

      1. Hey Admin,
        Do you still message people from that list when you launch products?

        How do you tell them where your product is? I guess if they buy your product by a direct link, it can be flagged by Amazon?


        1. Hi,

          Yeah I still use the list to launch new product. I just give em the direct link. Never had any problems.

          1. So is this method different than telling your family \ friends to buy your product and leave a review?

      2. This guide is so great and I can’t thank you enough for it.

        Would you please send me the list as well. I clicked on the link but haven’t yet received it.

        Thanks again for your amazing generosity!

  2. Hi, I’m a student looking to begin working with FBA. I was wondering since your last case study post on the 27th, what are your net gains(losses) including the price of junglescount and other utilities. I’m trying to figure out how long it will take to become profitable. Thank you!

  3. Cool stuff. Thanks for throwing this up there. Would be nice to mention the product info in each section though. Obviously this makes for a quick read so its nice!

  4. Great guide, thanks for sharing your final results. Do you anticipate making an Amazon PPC guide in the future?

  5. This is a fantastic guide, I love how we can see how things can change over time, very encouraging.

    Can you please send me the link to download the reviewer emails? I couldn’t find it in my inbox. Thanks heaps!

  6. Just finished reading all 4 parts. Thanks for taking the time to do it helped immensely. I put my email in for the reviewer list. You can also add mine to it.

  7. Hello,
    Excellent piece of work. Really appreciate your assistance in understanding this whole amazon sales business as I could not do much till now on this platform.

    Could you suggest me some products that I can sell from India to amazon USA.

    Sumeet M Singh

  8. How do you determine your price increase increments? What is the time frame for you to increase it from the low launch price to your desired price?

  9. Hey, great blog! Love the FBA insights and resources.

    Had a question for you. When was the last time you did a product launch?

    I opted to do discounted giveaways and extend out the launch. It’s been over 14 days now and the rankings haven’t budged much since the initial boost. Any ideas? Feel free to email me if you’d be down to connect.

    And thanks in advance!

    1. Hi man,

      Good luck with the launch. I would probably also lower the price and start with PPC.

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